Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Favorite discoveries

I especially enjoyed learning about Flickr as I am now taking hundreds of digital photographs on my various trips out west. It was also helpful to learn about bookmarks and podcasts.

Digital Media

I listened to a bit of "Creation in death" by J D Robb


I listened to NPR's Classical to Go WGBH Radio Boston. Would have been great if the narrator would have shut up and let the music speak for itself

YouTube video

I watched a video on the clearing of 25 foot high snow drifts on Trail Ridge Road.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Web 2.0 award site

Looked at the Picasa digital photo site. Looks wonderful


Zoho looks to be an interesting and useful word processing tool.


Looked at the blogs on the library's web site and read a blog concerning book clubs. Also did a tag search for web 2.0.

What web 2.0 means to me

Interesting and useful

Made a bookmark for the Estes Park Trail Gazette and read the comments made by other users who also bookmarked this site.


Checked out the listings for favorite restaurants and favorite vacation spots.


Accessed the Memphis Public Library's wiki that listed detailed instruction on the use of Workflows